Sc Sharpen Tools
DIY Bandsaw Blade SharpeningYou just put that new blade on your bandsaw last week and you’ve decided to resaw some lumber you’re reclaiming for a new project. Everything is humming along swimmingly when suddenly, there’s a series of sparks, and another, then another before you’ve finished the cut. The scourge of any saw blade intended for cutting wood.During the next cut there are no nails encountered, but the cutting rate has slowed somewhat and there’s a little more heat on the finished cut.Bandsaw blades dull. Sometimes faster than others, depending on the material you are cutting, even if there are no nails or other foreign objects involved. Woods with a lot of pitch, dense hardwoods, frozen wood (it happens!) some wood is even more abrasive than others.It doesn’t take much to ruin a perfectly good band, and anyone can see it’s got a ton of teeth.
If you’ve got a 10′ band at 6 TPI, that’s about 600 teeth to sharpen. So one rule of thumb to consider would be that coarser blades with larger, fewer teeth probably make more sense to sharpen than those with smaller, finer teeth which are far more time consuming not to mention hard on your eyes and your body.Sharpening OptionsThere are two basic ways to sharpen bandsaw blades, mechanically, with the use of a machine, or machines designed to sharpen and reset bands, and manually, with the use of hand tools, or hand power tools. Done correctly, by hand or machine, you can typically get 4-5 sharpening out of a single band before the tooth geometry changes significantly. One might think that the time required to resharpen dull blades might be a false economy or a lost cause, but with a little practice and the right techniques that work for you, it can be quite quick and save a lot of money.Mechanical or machine sharpeners can be pricey to acquire, but if you’ve got 30 or 40 dull bands hanging around and/or you do any kind of production sawing, especially resawing, it might make sense. On a onesy-twosy basis, buying a dedicated sharpener and the resetter that usually goes along with it doesn’t really make sense. You can buy an awful lot of new blades for the same money.Most of the stand alone sharpeners are designed for portable sawmill bands and larger 1″ 4″ resaw bands.
By offering classes, we hope to teach beginners and advanced learners about skills and techniques. Unless noted, all required tools and materials are provided so all the student is responsible for when they show up is learning and having fun.The resident Mann Tool instructor, David Pietras, is a South Carolina native and has lived in Columbia for 53 years. He started woodworking in 1978 when he was hired by Doc Wildes Funky House Building CompanyTools. His love for the forests and his passion for wood shows in many of his designs and projects. One of his favorite things he has done in his career was being a high school woodworking teacher for four years.
Furniture Building with the CNC: Part IA CNC takes some of the guess work out of curves and joints. It also speeds you up by eliminating the need for time consuming layouts and allows for customizing your own style. In this entry level class learn the fundamentals of cutting out rocking chair furniture parts on the CNC.
The instructor will guide you through the design process using V-Carve or Aspire software and run a sample part on the CNC. Students may (but are not required) bring their own laptop and follow along in V-Carve or Aspire. Please have your software installed and activated before the start of class if you choose to bring your own computer.
Furniture Building with the CNC: Part IIA CNC takes some of the guess work out of curves and joints. It also speeds you up by eliminating the need for time consuming layouts and allows for customizing your own style. This class is a continuation of from Part I. Part I is not required to take this class. Part II focuses on assembly. The instructor will guide you through the design process using V-Carve or Aspire software.
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Students may (but are not required) bring their own laptop and follow along in V-Carve or Aspire. Vectric offers a free two week trial if you do not have software. Please have your software installed and activated before the start of class if you choose to bring your own computer.