The Lion King Pc Dos Game Pt. 1


Media - Games - The Lion King 1994 Release: December 8, 1994 Language: English Genre: Jump & Run Platforms: PC (DOS, Windows), NES, SNES, Sega Mega Drive, Amiga, GameBoy, Game Gear Developer: Virgin InteractiveGeneralThe game was released in December 8., 1994 on many different platforms,among others are: PC, NES, SNES, Amiga, Sega and Game Boy. As common atthese days, the graphics are based on sprites with an up-to-dategraphics technique. However, now this seems way outdated, but it didn'tspoil the fun.

On the contrary, the graphics and backgrounds are createdfrom Disney artists, who partly also participated at the movie. Thesoundtrack was adapted to the Midi interface and accompanies thedifferent levels with the appropriate music, without voices of course.During the game you will notice on some platforms some favorite quotesfrom the movie for in-between sequences. The quality can differ muchfrom platform to platform.Unfortunately there is no multiplayer at all in the game, neithernetwork nor split screen. Nala as cub as well as adult is also missingcompletely in the game.After the game started, a friendly and easy to understand game interfacewelcomes you, while in the background 'Circle of Life' plays and Rafikiholds a lion cub in the air at Pride Rock.

There are 3 differentdifficulties, which differ in strength of the opponents and the numberof life at start. The difficulty can be set up in the options menu andon some platforms the key bindings can also be changed, as well as someadditional tweaking for the music and FX sound effects.In total, the game has 10 levels and 2 bonus levels, which can appearmany times, in case the conditions are met accordingly. Therefore aspecific beetle has to be collected. Most of the functions of the gameare self explaining, so there is a safe point in every level, where youcan start after your death again.

Collecting different beetles are forhealth and regenerate or increase roar energy. A sun, or 'life circle'allows you to start at the beginning of the last level, in case all yourlives are exhausted.ContentReal positive about 'The Lion King' is the orientation on the storylinefrom the movie. Each level enables the player to be part of a bit fromthe whole story in the corresponding setting. Generally, the aim of thegame is to reach the end of the level, or beat a boss character. Therebythe player controls always Simba as cub, or respectively as adult.

Inthe bonus levels Timon or Pumbaa is controlled.As usual the game consists of a HUD, which displays certain informationslike the health and roar energy of Simba, which can be increased bycollecting beetles. The number of remaining lives and life circles arealso shown.Level 1: The Pride LandsThe first level starts with cub Simba in the Pride Lands, where theplayer can get familiarize with the controls and Simbas differentskills. Beside run-, duck- and jumping, Simba can 'roar' and 'roll'.With this abilities different kind of opponents can be eliminated. Inthe first level however, only small animals like hedgehogs andlizards are to be expected, which of course can also be dangerous toSimba. Meanwhile, Simba must go over rocks and trees to the top of thelevel, to finally oppose the boss, a hyena. It can be beaten by jumpingon its back, while it is hackling for air.Level 2: Can't Wait to be KingArriving in the next level, Simba doesn't have to deal with bugsanymore, but instead he has to jump over giraffes heads, dealing withapes, ostriches and hippos. Thereby, he has to crack at two positions inthe level some kind of code, in which order he has to roar the apes tobe redirected into the right direction.

The level ends unspectacular,when a certain point is reached.Level 3: The Elephant GraveyardIn level 3 the elephant graveyard is waiting for the player, whichcreates a very creepy atmosphere due to the rough landscape and thespooky 'Be Prepared' medley. In most cases, the player has to get rid ofangry hyenas and hungry vultures. You should keep in mind the tip fromthe first level: do only attack the hyenas when they are hackling.

Thevultures need to be attacked fast, ideally before they fly off. Thenit's more difficult to get rid of them, when they are flying. It is toolate for that, then wait for their attack. At the lowest position try tojump on them. (Another tip: Observe the movements of the hyenas.

Inprinciple they ignore one special corner, where you can rest and startyour counterattack.Level 4: The StampedeLikewise to the movie, the only goal here is to survive and ovoid thegalloping horde. If the gnus are not enough here, during the levelfurther difficulties are added, like fast appearing stones, which youshould ovoid as well. A difference to the movie is here, thatunfortunately no Mufasa will jumps into the mass to save our littlehero, but he has to save himself to the end of the canyon instead. Atleast every run of the level follows the same pattern, so after a fewtimes you know what to expect when. It should be noted here that thislevel is also special from the point of view, because this is incontrast to all the others in some pseudo 3D.Level 5: Simba's ExileNow completely on his own, Simba has to escape through thorn bushes andthe desert into his exile. In this level, the same opponents appear likein the first levels, like hedgehogs and lizards. In addition, furthercomplicated climbing parts has to be covered and rolling stones, whichyou should avoid, because after they hit you, you are immediately dead.And avoid the thorn bushes as well.

Keep a lookout for hidden paths,which can lead to valuable beetles for health, condition, lives and evenshortcuts through the level. In the end scene, the annoyed hyenas calledtheir famous sentence 'If you ever come back, we'll kill ya'.Level 6: Hakuna MatataIn the background the familiar medley of 'Hakuna Matata' is played,meanwhile Simba needs to be lead to an endless landscape of waterfalls.But even in the problem-free paradise, you should be kept alert forjumping spiders and spitting frogs. In this level you also should keep alookout for shortcuts, when you go down a waterfall. The direction youcan control with the left, or right key. This can saves you someunpleasant parts of this levels. Before the end of this level you reacha very big waterfall with falling trees, which you should climb to getup. You should try to remain in the middle, and observe the velocity andsize of the tree trunks.

Lion king pc dos online

They all have a regular pattern. With a littlepatient and luck you are able to get up to the top tree. Now you finallythought the level was over, a very bad ape (no, not Rafiki) appearedbefore you, which must be defeated. He is most vulnerable for jumpingattacks, shortly after he smashes in King-Kong style on the ground. Theend of this annoying ape is worth watching.Level 7: Simba's DestinyFinally grown-up, our lion has now additional skills. The rolling isgone now, but instead you can beat your enemies with slashing claws intwo different modi and defeat this way, hyenas, leopards and apes.Moreover, two combo attacks are added to your repository, with one youcan throw your enemy when they are hackling and a jumping clawsslashing attack move. You should practice these one, especially thethrow move, although it is not needed for the next few levels, butyou'll need it in the end.

The Lion King Pc Dos Game Pt. 11

Now back to this level: Simba has to passhere the jungle and has to deal with leopards, stone throwing apes andsome other natural obstacles, which blocks his way. But this is noproblem for a fully grown lion now. At the end, Mufasa appears and tellshim that he has to take his rightful place as king. Because Nala ismissing in the whole game, there is of course no 'Can You Feel the LoveTonight' scene. Never mind the questions how to implement it.Level 8: Be PreparedThe most unpleasant part of the game comes now, although 'Be prepared'is more at the beginning of the movie, in this case it is more a hint tothe setting of this level and not Scars song. Simba has to go throughit anyway.

Acid dropping cave walls, which you should avoid of course,Hyenas and flying bats, which can only be beaten with precisely aimedhits and roars, are only a few of the negative highlights of thislevel. Meanwhile Simba has to pass lava spitting geysers, which erupt inregularly patterns and rolling or falling stones, which can be useful atsome points to free blocked ways. In the end of this level you shouldexploit these to close the geysers, but don't let them hit you!Level 9: Simba's ReturnIn the next to last level, Simba has to face a labyrinth with manydifferent entries and caves, which he has to pace in order to get home.After every entry, hyenas are lurking, which needs to be defeated, orother natural barriers. If you turn the wrong way and have to doubleback, you have to face the opponents you defeated before again. Thesenested cave connections are a real challenge. (A small tip: Take thelast bottom entry first)Level 10: Pride RockThe final battle with Scar is now about to begin. But even when youthink you have won, Scar escapes and you are forced to follow him, whichis of course not as easy as you might have thought.

Hyenas and naturalbarriers like cliffs and rocks are blocking the way. After passingthese, the second encounter with Scar follows, where he can escape aftertaking some heavy beating again. Finally arrived at the top of PrideRock the real final battle begin. Scar tries to use his claws or ajumping attack, in case you are going towards him too fast. Beside thathe can beat you with his paws like Simba, but in addition he also has adefending move, which blocks your claw attacks.

Scar is also able tojump at you and press you to the ground. You should definitely avoidthis one, because after such an attack you are most likely dead.Effective against Scar is to keep him on distance and use the jumpattack of Simba. Unfortunately Scar doesn't have a health indicator,which could show you his status. However if Scars begin to heavilyhackling, then he is almost finished off, but not beaten yet. In orderto do this, you have to throw him over the cliff, likewise to the movie.The best strategy is to drive him to the corner of the cliff, then jumpover him and use the throw combo.

Afterwards you can finally take yourrightful place as king.End Sequence: Simba throws Scar over the cliff.The rain set in.and Simba takes his rightful place as king.Bonus 1: Bug TossIn the first bonus level, Timon are standing on a tree trunk andthrowing beetle, lives and life circles down to his companion Pumbaa,who has to try to get/eat them. If you miss one, the level is over.Thereby the velocity of the beetles and numbers of them are increasingwith the game time.

The Lion King Pc Dos Game Pt. 1 Me Pt 1 By David Bowie

But be careful, Timon is not always throwing goodthings, but also spiders and that sort of things, which should beavoided. Of course, you keep the lives and life circles you get afterthe bonus level. In order to get to the bonus level, you must collect aspecial beetle, which is mostly hidden in the different levels.Bonus 2: Bug HuntHere you are controlling Timon now, who has to hunt beetles now.

Therebyhe is running through the level and must try to collect as much aspossible within 30 seconds. After every 10 beetles you get either anextra life or a life circle as long as the time is running or you don'taccidentally get a spider. The total number of lives Simba can have islimited to 10, though.Comparison between the different platformsAlthough the game is developed for different platforms at the same time,the versions can differ much from each other. In most of the cases, thiscan be traced back to the difference in architecture and theirlimitations. For instance, the Amiga version lacks a few levels, so thatthe game fits on three 880kb DD-Discs. The sound and the effects arelimited by the sound cards of each system, whereas the DOS and SNESVersion have the best music quality and the best sound effects. In theDOS versions it depends on your sound card.

With a good sound card itcan outdo all other systems. The graphics is most convincing on the SNESversion, because they don't have to rely on dithering effects. A verydetailed comparison between Mega Drive, SNES and Amiga can be found.There are also differences within the levels on the different platforms,for example in the SNES versions some bugs were fixed and it seems to bemore simpler in this particular version than e.g.

Compared to the DOS.One of these mistakes, which happens very often in the DOS version is,during the ostrich run in 'Just Can't Wait to be King' is that theostrich runs in the middle of the screen instead of the left corner,which limits your reaction time. Also the sound effects differs lightly.However, the last level are designed to be more difficult with fireigniting at the SNES.Different covers and handbooksBecause the game is released on so many different platforms, I try hereto collect some scans of the different covers and handbooks.DOS version.Cover of the DOS version.

Unfortunate it isquite old and used.Backside of the DOS version.The English handbook.The german handbook.Windows/SNES version.Cover of the Windows CD version.Backside of the Windows CD version.CD Cover of the Windows CD version.German handbook of the CD version. Page 2-3.German handbook of the CD version. Page 4-5.German handbook of the CD version.


Page 6-7.German handbook of the CD version. Page 8-9.German handbook of the CD version. Page 10-11Sega Mega Drive version.Cover of the Sega Mega Drive box.Backside of the Sega Mega Drive box.Multilanguage handbook from the Sega box.ConclusionYou can't expect much variation of the game, but the backgrounds and theanimation of the figures are very lovely. Moreover, it is nice to see agame which actually follows the storyline of its movie, although not allcharacters appears in it. From an objective point of view, the graphicis really outdated, but on the other hand 1994 the graphic was very goodand I grow up with it, so at least I still like to play the game.In case you want to play the game, there are many possibilities, so youcan look for ROMs or the DOS version and use dosbox, or an emulator forSNES, which should be the most preferable solution.

With an goodemulator you can even increase the gaming experience with additionalbuilt-in post-processing like anti-aliasing.

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