Ware Convert Ppt To Jpeg
Ppt To Jpg Conversion Online
To automate the conversion task of converting PowerPoint to JPEG use. This software that goes along with the Universal Document Converter will help you schedule specific conversion tasks for some image files releasing the users from any extra manual work. For instance, in case the new image file received on corporate computers is saved as PowerPoint, while the company employees’ desire is to have it saved in JPEG, this conversion can be performed automatically. Install FolderMill on the server.
Ware Convert Ppt To Jpeg Online
Convert Jpg To Ppt
Create two folders for each company employee. For example, two folders for the employee John: C:Joon-Input and C:John-Output. Set a new rule to FolderMill to monitor the folders created and select that PowerPoint files put into folder C:Joon-Input should be converted into JPEG and saved in the folder C:John-Output. From now on conversion from PowerPoint to JPEG for the employee John will be performed automatically.