Max Files Open In Hpux

  1. Max Files Open In Hp Ux Printer

Code: DUMP: write: File too largeDUMP: write error 2097170 blocks into volume 1: File too largeDUMP: Do you want to rewrite this volume?: ('yes' or 'no') DUMP: write: File too largeDUMP: write: File too largeI've confirmed that I can dump from the same RHEL5 server to another RHEL5 server (ext3 filesystem) without issue so it doesn't seem to be a dump limitation. As I've mentioned, I've also confirmed that can scp a large file (8GB) from the same Linux server to the VXFS filesystem without issue. There seems to be some issue between Linux dump and the HP-UX server/filesystem. This is really starting to drive me nuts. We were previously dumping (via the same script) to a Solaris server without issue. After re-pointing the script to HP-UX, we now now have an issue.Can someone please shed some light on this?

I've tried various dump options and nothing seems to make a difference.Thanks,- Bill. Livros de allan e barbara pease para. Code: # uname -aHP-UX corvette B.11.11 U 9000/8870 unlimited-user licenseI'm primarily a Linux administrator and don't dabble much with HP-UX so if you need additional info, please let me know.The HP-UX server is attached to EMC storage. Our Linux servers were previously backing up to a legacy Sun Solaris server but we've run out of space there so I'm trying to shift the scripts to now backup to the HP server. I've created the logical volume and filesystem from scratch.

Max files open in hp ux pro

As mentioned, everything seems to be working as expected with the exception of using dump from Linux to this filesystem. The Linux servers are using the dump options '0uf'. I've tried 0auf to no avail. Thanks again for reaching out.- Bill - Post updated at 12:11 PM - Previous update was at 12:08 PM -Keep in mind that the exact same script works flawlessly to both a Solaris server and another Linux server. As soon as I change one of the variables to point to the HP-UX server, it craps out after 2GB every time. The dump is over SSH. I've also tried RSH but got the same results.

Max Files Open In Hp Ux Printer

Post updated at 12:20 PM - Previous update was at 12:11 PM -Proof that the filesystem in question does in fact support large files:(I've also scp'd an 8GB file from the same Linux server to the filesystem).

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