Superbus Wow Er


Superbus busesThe company is equally owned by companies like the Limited and Auto Iris Travelers Yeruham Limited. The company owns 2000 buses and employs about 2500 employees in three branches – Afula, Yokneam. The company owns three parking garages – two garages and service offices in the in, one in and one at the.


The company also operates special trips to Jerusalem employing about 20 drivers who operate 16 minibuses and 4 full-size buses. In addition, the company also operates specialty lines to transport students.Superbus was formed in 2000 to participate in auctions for the privatization of public transportation in Israel's whose goal was to lower prices and break the monopolies of the and the. In 2001 the company was awarded a tender to operate the – and transportation clusters, replacing Egged on 6 May 2002.All Superbus services accept the smart card as payment, which operates on the rest of public transportation in Israel, beginning with the Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem corridor lines from 2008, and the Ramla–Lod–Matityahu from 2011.In 2007 it was published that Superbus won a to operate public transportation in and the in spite of its low quality of service and the large number of complaints filed by passengers against the company. A lawsuit was filed by and by, after which a final decision was taken in favor of Superbus. The company began operating these lines in January 2009.In early 2009 the company began operating lines in Beit Shemesh and the Jerusalem corridor.

Since the summer of 2011 the company began to operate a night line.In 2013, Superbus lost the Ramla–Lod–Matityahu tender to the rival bus company, and the Beit Shemesh tender in 2017. In 2018 Superbus lost the Beit Shemesh tender to Dan, which will take over on September 1, 2019.

Superbus Wow Er

Superbus Wow Er 3

In 2019 Superbus lost the Jerusalem corridor tender to aifikim which will take over November 1.In March 2014, Superbus won the tender for cluster the valleys which includes the cities:, - and, Superbus began first in the area in December 2014, then in in March 2015, and in in July 2015.In 2017, 138 buses were taking out of service because of safety problemson january 21 10 buses were transferred from yokneam to beit shemesh.References.

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