Ultimate Voice Coach
American Idol fans get ready. Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson, yourjudges from American Idol present: Ultimate Voice Coach.Now is your chance to learn to sing in tune with amazing power and range.Develop a singing voice and have fun practicing karaoke songs (included).Master professional singing techniques with customized training - beginner,intermediate and advanced and age-appropriate options.Learn from world famous voice coaches Gary Catona and Ron Anderson.Gary Catona has worked with A-list clients that include some of the world'shottest singing stars. He is the voice coach for celebrities like Usher, AndreaBocelli, Jennifer Lopez, Babyface, Seal, Liza Minnelli, Tony Bennett, Shakira,Boyz II Men, Sade, Brian Wilson, Kenny Loggins, Lisa Marie Presley and countlessothers. Ron Anderson: International classical luminary turned world-famousvoice instructor, Ron Anderson is American's foremost teacher of the timelessand renowned vocal technique, Bel Canto (Beautiful Sound).
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The Ultimate Voice
Ron is the 'go to'voice teacher for multiple-platinum recording artists, major record labels andtop music producers.